Thursday, September 26, 2013

Evernote Vs. Springpad

(very appropriate image via this website also comparing the two )

So, for this entry I will compare the two applications. To be honest, I've worked more with Evernote in the past few weeks than I have Springpad. I've only briefly fooled with Springpad, but I am finding it really useful just as Evernote. So far, I like them both, and I'm using them both - but for entirely different purposes. While they essentially do the same job (allow you to organize an array of things into a "notebook" electronically), I use them for different things. You'll see I have screenshot made a few collages. What can I say? Collages are kinda my thing. (click to enlarge any of the pictures) So...I'll start with Evernote...

I've been using Evernote lately as a homework helper and a reference page. Really I like to think of it as bookmarking things along the web that I like and using that to help me or to pass along. The guest blog for instance, I just clipped that off my blog and sent it to my guest blogger - better than typing it a second time. Evernote makes it much easier to get information from a website - just install an extension into Google Chrome and you don't have to write, type, or highlight specifics and it's always there! Much of the items in my notebooks I use for research papers. I can get the exact information I need without having to access the website every single time. I can just log in to Evernote and it's always there, not changing. Another thing I really like about Evernote are its accompanied products (circled in the bottom picture). Skitch makes showing things on a picture much simpler than having to type out detailed instructions. Again, this makes things easier on the user: to look at themselves or even to show to someone else. Now, I'll talk a little about what I like on Springpad... 

Most noticeably of the things I LOVE about Springpad is its organization. There are many different types of notes to make to put into your notebook. In the upper left picture I have made a store checklist, the upper right an event, and the picture below that is a book I intend to read. Much more than just making a note, you can classify what kind of note. Because I make so many different kinds of notes all the time, I really like this feature. I really like how the search interface is on Springpad. While on Evernote, I browse the web and clip from there: I feel as though I can start on Springpad and search for things there. Not saying you can't search on Evernote, but again, I like the organization of Springpad: it gives categories for your query. Maybe I'm just an OCD nerd, likes.
Now, I haven't really worked with this but I was searching on both Evernote and Springpad and found that some services that are only for "Premium" users on Evernote are actually free on Springpad. Evernote lists that the quality will improve with a Premium account, I mean of course, they're trying to make money. They also list some features you will gain with Premium membership. As mentioned in class, one of these features is the ability to collaborate on Notes...

Why would someone pay for a service they could get for free on another? 

So, it would seem I am leaning a little toward Springpad. Just as I posted not long ago, I'm still getting used to Evernote. Perhaps I haven't found out all of its tricks yet! I will continue to use it in the way that I have listed, but as far as making an organized list of thoughts, I would choose Springpad.

Camstasia Studios Tutorial

In our last class we were told to make a tutorial on Camstasia Studios. My tutorial, hopefully will decide to load below. It will show how to download a font on Windows XP. Enjoy!

(Of course, I could not get the video to upload directly from my computer so it had to from Youtube. My apologies, I will fix it as soon as any computer I touch decides to cooperate with me.)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Guest Blog: Christoper Ball

For a guest blog this week, here are four more extensions by Christoper Ball:

Facebook Color Changer:  Because we all know that the plain white background does get boring. Also for someone that uses a computer a lot in the dark, such as myself, you could change the colors where they are easier on your eyes. This is a must download, in my personal opinion because who wouldn’t want a pink and green facebook.

CircuitLab: Now personally I build small electronic do dads, but this addon will let you run through the process of creating it before you add it to the board. With this addon you can easily copy a circuit that you find online and place it with your circuit and see how the voltage drops along with outputs. Once again this is a must for people who design small circuits, you can print them over a pdf and even ask for online help.

Comics and Manga online: I usually read a lot of comics and manga just to pass time, while I'm waiting for a
computer to complete uploading the OS. This app would be great for the manga reader it shows some that isn’t even published and it is complete legal. As far though as actual manga being published this isn’t the best solution to come by, though if you’re wanting to read something, with pictures, this is the app to try.

Pandora: Honestly who doesn't listen to music while they are doing something on the web, or looking through Facebook. I have Pandora on my iPhone and listen to it everywhere that I go, the best thing is that you can link your account and listen to your favorite channels as well. As opposed to, this just has better interface and for mobile devices it’s free so if there is an app for chrome of course you should download it.

Click here  to check out more on his blog!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Top Four Extensions.....

Okay, for this project I have found four extensions for Google Chrome that I find extremely convenient. Maybe if you're reading this you will try one of them out and also make good use of them!

(image via

The first extension that I have enabled on my own browser is LastPass. LastPass is a website that allows a user to save all of their passwords into a private online notebook. A great thing about it is that it's portable and only requires one master password. The extension is even more useful because it syncs to Chrome so you don't even have to go to the website. From here, you just click on the LastPass icon after enabling it and you have can access all of your passwords for import or export. This will save the struggle of trying to remember all the passwords to your various accounts or the trouble of having the password sent to your email if you ever do forget it.

(image via

The next extension Send to Kindle was thought up by Amazon. If you're a book nerd, or more appropriately a Kindle nerd I guess I should say, then you will appreciate this. The extension allows you to send a webpage to your personal Kindle, while removing the distractions - like ads. You can even highlight specific text of an article to be sent. The icing on the cake: if you are using Wifi (but seriously...when aren't you using Wifi these days?) the service is completely free as opposed to paying to have a book downloaded onto the Kindle.

(image via

The third extension is pretty self-explanatory. It's called Skip ads on YouTube. skips ads on YouTube! It's very similar to the Adblock extension. Sometimes the extension is picked up on and you must watch 10-15 seconds of the ad. Still, it's better than watching the full 30 second ad for a movie you have no intention of seeing, right?

The last extension has helped me quite a few times with my Chemistry homework. The website Wolfram Alpha generates answers to mathematical problems as well as other subjects. Adding the extension to your browser makes doing homework online much easier. You don't have to go to the actual site. Just type a "=" and a space into the URL box when you have the extension added and it will turn into Wolfram Alpha's search query.

Also highlight any text to create options after right clicking.

(These images explaining directions via

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How I feel about Evernote....

I am just now getting the hang of Evernote and its suite of software and services. I'm still getting confused using it, but with every use I'm familiarizing myself with it. It's pretty nifty though especially when surfing around online on my college's computers. I just save a link, picture, quote, or even a whole webpage if needed, to Evernote, and it will be saved in a Notebook whenever I need it. I have not used it outside of class yet, but I feel like I definitely could in the future. I'm currently shopping for a new car, so I could save links to cars for sale. Also, using it along with Skitch, if there's anything I need to explain to someone then I could use that. Say showing where something is on a website or even where something is located on a physical item that I have taken a picture of -- all made easy with Skitch in Evernote.

As for some creative ways others have used the site, I found two of them I really like. Maybe with this inspiration, I will get some more use out of Evernote!

End of Three Fitness has a page on their site dedicated to showing people how to use Evernote to keep track of fitness. You can take pictures of your workouts and even document your progress in a personal, private notebook. What makes this convenient is that Evernote is available on many devices - as website or even as an application for Droid or Iphones, so you can post at any given time you have internet access.
Here is the link if anyone is interested:*--

Now this next use, while completely time consuming and as absolutely tedious as it seems, can be a very efficient idea if put into action. On the website Every College Girl, the poster suggests using Evernote to organize a wardrobe. The gist of the article is to type in an outfit that you've worn to keep it as memo - maybe to not wear the outfit again or even to repeat if you like it enough.
Here is the page:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gmail Mini Review

I have been using Gmail for almost 3 years now. I believe it to be one of the best web-based email servers that I've ever used. Much more than just that-- I can not only email, but even chat and video chat at any given moment if need be. It also has a feature that allows me to cancel any message within a few seconds after sending if there is an error, that I haven't found on any other server and it has come in quite handy for me. Also, I feel as if the filtering of emails is better on Gmail than on any other site. I don't have to even see pesky spam emails because of custom labels and filtering on my Gmail. All of these are for free, as opposed to other sites that charge for subscriptions. As for five tips, I would suggest the following:

1. To keep any message that may be important in the future or maybe even required for future reference, easily keep the message marked without losing it in your inbox by simply "Starring" the message. This adds it to a labeled link that will have the message that you marked minus the digging through newer emails for it.

2. Go into the Settings tab to change the theme. It provides a creative and unique background for your personal email, which creates a nice change from a bland white background that's typical from other email servers.

3. As I mentioned, I liked the capability of filtering messages. To do this, when opening an email look in the upper right corner of the email and you will see a drop down arrow to the right of “Reply“ option. Click it, and look down to see the option “Filter messages like this“. VoilĂ !

4. If you haven't starred a message and can't seem to find it within your inbox, or frankly do not feel like searching - make things easier by searching for the email! Use the search bar on the Gmail page by typing in a sender, topic, or date and surely enough the message will pop up.

5. If using Google Chrome, you can easily drag pictures into a message from your desktop or folders on your computer. The same goes for word documents or other files you may want to upload into an email message. First you go to Settings > Labs > Inserting Images Lab to get this feature.